Drama Bahasa Inggris

Theater English Language VIII Grade
Theme “Teenager”
Artist   :   Arindi Utamari Nur Adisti                         (04)
    Kristina Noviyanti Pasalbessy        (14)
    Resa Adelia                                     (22)
    Shyca Auralia                                  (28)
    Wahyu Kristiyaningsih                   (29)

Kris     : How old do you think you’re when you are no longer a child?
Adel    : I think teenager will start at 15 years old.
Rindi   : I think so with you Adel.
Shyca  : No, I think we start being teenager at 20 years old because we can controling our emotionally and we can thinking like a adult.
Novi    : Yes, I agree with you.
Kris     : Yes that true, cause we can live independen.
Novi    : Hmmmttzz i feelwe no longer a child cause our body is bigger and taller.
Rindi   : Yes, you’re right.
Kris     : No, i don’t agree with you. I feel we are teenager if we start puberty.
Adel    : Yes, i believe it.
Novi    : Maybe that’s true.
 Shyca : When is Indonesia society can say we arre adult?
Adel    : In Indonesia says you’re an adult when youre at 17 years old, because you have ID Card.
Rindi   : Yes, i agree with you.
Novi    : Me too. Because that’s time we’re allowed to get a driving but we must doing a driving license test.
Shyca  : So, we have a vehicle.
Kris     : I think so, if we’ll start get a job we must have a vehicle.
Novi    : Get a job?
Kris     : Yeah.
Novi    : Hey what do you think about get a job friends?
Adel    : Nothing get a job in my mind.
Shyca  : Arround 23 years old i will get it.
Kris     : Maybe after we graduate from Senior High School of Skilled or university because we have skill and ready to work.
Rindi   : Get a job is controlling with almigthly friends.
Shyca  : Yes, we’re know it, but what your opinion about get a job?
Rindi   : Get a job is go to work and we have very much money. Hahahha
Shyca  : Yes, i believe it. Hahahhaha
Kris     : So, how about you Nov?
Novi    : Get a job to make happy my parent.
Rindi   : So, what do you think about get married with your parent permission?
Adel    : I think we can get married after we have a job and comfortable life.
Kris     : Yes, i’m very agree with you Adel.
Rindi   : But, how old we can married?
Novi    : Arround twenty five?
Adel    : Yes. Maybe you right.
Shyca  : I agree with your opinion Adel because we can complete the request of our life.
Kris & Rindi   : I believe it.
Shyca  : We will have to vote, what do you think about it?
Novi    : I think now we studying about vote, what do you mean Shyca?
Shyca  : That’s to say voting to choose all delegation of public.
Novi    : Owh sorry, i don’t know.
Kris     : So, we have to vote after we have ID Card.
Adel    : We must 17 years old.
Rindi   : But, we can voting after we get married thought we before 17 years old.
Novi    : I don’t think so. In Indonesia we can married minimize 17 years old.
Shyca  : Why in Semarang, Syech Puji and Ulfa can married not Ulfa’s age !7 years old yet?
Kris     : They married because Ulfa’s family has adebt with Syech Puji.
Novi    : Really?
Rindi   : Yes yes yes you’re right. I’m ever hear about that.
Shyca  : Hello friends come on, where are you? Until you not know it.
Novi    : I’m not listen carefully. Hehhehe
Kris, Adel, Rindi, and Shyca : Haahahhahaha


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